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Hello, i just recently started playing this and I've been having an issue, i downloaded the Constantia font since the text didn't appear at first, and while that fixed the text for the characters talking, it doesn't show any text at all when i open Marios journal.  Is there an easy fix for this I may have missed?  thanks!

Hi! This should be a default font supplied by Windows computers, if for any reason your Windows didn't come supplied with the font, I found a download for it here!


Hi, long time fan here. I just wanted to say thank you for making this game because it has inspired me to make my own horror games, I know it was originally a vent game but with all the passion and love put into it it inspired me to do the same. I hope you guys continue to thrive and keep up the good work.


-Sunlight Cove

Thank you so much for your words! I am very happy to hear that you have been inspired by our work! 

- Jessica

So, new question, how do I re-unlock the gallery images I already unlocked in 1.0.4? Do I have to play through the game again or can I move them over from a previous version? 

You drag and drop the title.ogg file from the BGM folder into your new one. :)

Thank you. 


Apologies it's ttl.ogg For some reason autocorrect changed it to title.ogg



How do I play it on android on Joiplay?

It was not made for android. Mmtb was made for PC.

bro that was the best ending ever i will forever love this game

Hey this is the game guy who found that there was a problem with the controls. I'm just wanting to follow up on you Jessica to know if you were able to fix the issue at all. Do you have an estimate on when this patch will come out? I just personally wanna know how close we are to having this Patch come.




Apologies for the delay, it is expected to release 15-16th of April!

There has been some general bugs that are being fixed and some changes to the content. But the controls issue has been fixed! :)


The patch has been released! Hopefully this works now :)

- Jessica

It works! I'm so happy that yall we're able to fix it. You have no idea how overjoyed I am to play this game again! I can't wait to also have my friend play this gem of a classic. For I can't wait to relive the memories of this game. Again thank you for taking your time with fixing this bug. Also no need to feel sorry for how long this took to do. I understand making a game a fixing it up takes time for I'm going to college myself for multimedia and animation. But again biggest thanks for fixing this from the bottom of my heart.  :)



question, my game keeps  making the anti virus pop up, any reason?

Unfortunately due to the engine not having a publisher license it is detected as a false positive. 

- Jessica

oki thx! 

I'm not sure if this is a bug or anything but i tried doing the mirror room and I'm pretty sure i mirrored everything in the room but the mirror wont open, I'm not sure if trying to do this early was a cause of the bug or not but now I'm stuck trying to save Mario who is currently in a trance (I've tried checking everything in the room and even double checked everything in the room)

There's a clock, bookshelf, vase, painting, green plant, stool. 

You most likely missed one of these.


yea i checked all of those, but its ok i already deleted remaster for the arc version

(1 edit)

ok now im a bit mad, why everytime i save and close the game to go sleep or play something else: ALL MY SAVES ARE DELETED it goes back to 0%! IT HAS BECOME A PROBLEM

This happens if you do not extract the game and run it through the .zip folder. You must extract it into the desktop/path of your choice if you want to be able to save. Running the game via the .Zip folder does not create new files.

- Jessica

so i just extract it?

Yes, extract the zip file to any path of your choice and it should be able to create files.

(2 edits)

why are the controls not working properly anymore? I can't even start a new game! I was really hoping to play this game but I was met with a sad disappointment of not being able to navigate the menu... :(

oh yeah DLC does the same thing with navigating issues


Hi! Unfortunately this is caused by a bug from controllers or certain PCs with touch screens. The best that can be done is to disconnect any sort of device that is detected as a “controller”. 

This is an engine issue and not a game issue. So i unfortunately don’t have the means to provide a fix.



Actually! I just discovered why the issue is happening. It's a gamepad issue within the engine and I will be publishing a fix soon!

Please do let me know when the issue is fixed for I'll see if it works again. I'll let you know if I won't be able to move around the menu and if anything else is going on after the fix. Otherwise thank you so much for finding the issue and that I really appreciate for the fix! <3


GRAND DAD and the music box


Spoiler: Mario is in the game.


I honestly couldn't get past the premise. Luigi's Mansion showed us a Mario horror game could work, as long as it embraced the fact that Mario and Luigi are inherently funny, and tried not to be too grim and disturbing for its own good. I can tell it's a Mario game that feels ashamed to be a Mario game when the titular character sticks out like a sore thumb, barely acts like how he does in the franchise, feels almost superfluous, and yet is expected to be taken dead seriously.

I think you could've taken two different paths with this game and I would've liked it better:

Option 1: Get rid of all the Mario content and rewrite them into original characters. Just make it "The Music Box", so it could stand on its own two feet, with all of its horror intact, without having to resort to unnecessary star power.

Option 2: Embrace the Mario content. Have the flying off the screen death animations. Have the side cast be Goombas, Yoshis, Toads, etc. Get the Boos involved somehow because this is a ghost story. And play the concept of "Mario in a horror game!" for humor.

At least the art style's good, that's a bonus.


hey um why is the game not full screen

try pressing alt+enter maybe


I don't know why mine don't save no matter what.

do you know why the game is keep on saying "rgssad container" when i did everything correctly?


Hey, I can't get the game working. It keeps giving me the same error. I have the redistributable thing and every thing so what am I missing?

i have the same issue i did everything and i see this on my screen for some reason 

Apologies for getting to this so late. This is extremely odd since you’re given no error so it’s difficult to diagnose. Did this happen upon boot up?  


Yes. I got no clue what’s going on. 

I will be publishing a new version soon and HOPEFULLY it will fix your issue. I'm looking into possible causes. :')

- Jessica

it’s ok. Just try your best. : )


The first game gave me creeps, the second broke me... Yeah lets play the remaster XD


I remember this game from a long time ago and the ending had me destroyed

Hey can someone provide me the with a decompiled version of the game


This is starring MARIO


An unexpected classic when it comes to RPG horror games - who knew a Mario Bros parody would be this terrifying???